INFOMATIX is a Multi-Service Platform for Smart Public Transport
End-to-end solution for orchestrating Smart Public Transport services at three levels: Passenger, Vehicle, and Transport operator.
INFOMATIX is the Backbone of the Smart
Public Transport Ecosystem
Provide easy-to-manage
digital services

Integrate multiple public transport services into one easy-to-manage system: from Onboard Entertainment and IoT Devices to Remote Vehicle Monitoring and Video Analytics including various third-party services and devices.
Scale smart public transport projects rapidly

INFOMATIX cloud based architecture enables gradual extensions of system functionalities, rapid development, management, and scaling projects of smart public transport. From the private small fleet to thousands of vehicles, the platform grows with the demands of the project.
Make your public transport modern, safe, comfortable and popular
INFOMATIX is a way to make public transport more modern, safe, comfortable and popular, which means it is more profitable and efficient. We unite the interests of passengers, authorities, transport operators and OEMs through digital services that fit seamlessly into the urban ecosystem.
A complete set of tools for creating your own vertically integrated digital services tailored to smart public transport requirements.
An open mobile INFOMATIX platform for providing multimedia services and infocommunication services in public transport provides plug-and-play orchestration of smart transport services at three levels: passenger, vehicle, and transport operator.
With the support of most transport protocols, communication standards, and an open API, the platform is simply and flexibly integrated into all types of public transport and their hardware solutions.
Cloud architecture allows you to quickly scale the platform: add new digital services, support new types of transport, and expand the geography of your ecosystem.
INFOMATIX Platform Features
Multi-vendor environment
  • INFOMATIX-compliant devices, even if provided by different suppliers, can be combined within one vehicle and operate together. INFOMATIX will help you to integrate devices that are connected to legacy and third-party systems.
  • The INFOMATIX architecture enables gradual extensions of system functionalities.
  • Automatic horizontal scaling.
  • Support for an unlimited hierarchy level: from within one vehicle to the scale of city or country
  • Implemented security requirements for public transport systems in accordance with European and international standards: ITxPT, VDV 301, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).
  • Using AI/ML models for predictive analysis.
  • A full cycle of managing rules and processing millions of events per second from hundreds of thousands of devices.
  • Processing of any volume of events.
  • A platform that meets the standards of safety and reliability of public transport, withstanding high load and harsh operating conditions.
  • Operability in conditions of poor communication and network interruptions.
Data analysis
  • Built-in set of ready-made components for visualization, analysis and predictive analysis.
  • Track events to create scenarios for managing subsystems in transport
  • Get new data to improve efficiency, generate reports and track processes in public transport
Key Systems & Components
of the INFOMATIX Platform
INFOMATIX cloud platform
Additional services
Authorized access through the client program
Automated information system
Location and Communication
Wireless and Wired Phone Charging
See Our Products in Action
Digital services elevate the bus from a basic mode of transportation
to a sophisticated, secure, and convenient vehicle.
INFOMATIX platform for an electric bus enables easy management of on-board services, as well as the addition and enhancement of services as required.

The implementation of the electric bus information system offers advantages to passengers, as well as city and transport services.
INFOMATIX Hyperscreen
The Human-Machine Interface that provides a centralized hub for complete controlling, monitoring and diagnostics of multiple vehicular on-board systems
INFOMATIX HYPERSCREEN makes possible to manage connectivity of on-board systems such as navigation, video surveillance, IoT sensors, climate, lighting, doors, infotainment.

Provides interfaces for connecting any external devices and systems. This lowers investment and installation costs and simplifies maintenance and upgrading of systems as and when required.

Provides a full-fledged digital workplace, which increases the efficiency of driver's work and the fleet as a whole.
INFOMATIX Platform Benefits
INFOMATIX unites the interests of passengers, authorities, vehicle manufacturers and transport operators, through digital services that fit seamlessly into the urban ecosystem.
Benefits for Public Transport Operators
  • Provide digital services to passengers
  • Manage ground transportation and schedule in real time
  • Analyze passenger and transport flows
  • Increase operational characteristics due to remote diagnostics of transport
  • Increase the safety and comfort of public transport
Public Transport Authorities
  • Encourage passengers to use public transport more often and improve their experience by providing services such as Onboard Entertainment and Real-Time Information.
  • Increase passenger satisfaction, enhance operational efficiency, and improve safety and security.
  • Reduce operating costs for operators and other partners through improved business efficiency
  • Reduce traffic jams and minimize environmental pollution
  • Use an effective tool of municipal management
Vehicle Manufacturers
  • Increase the added value of vehicles.
  • Lower costs for design, manufacturing and maintenance of vehicles.
  • Become more attractive on the market by offering new passenger facilities on-board.
  • Increase the safety and comfort of passengers.
  • Increase operational characteristics due to remote diagnostics of transport.
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